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英[leɪ] 美[le]
  • vt.放置;铺放;涂,敷;产卵
  • adj.世俗的;外行的;没有经验的
  • n.叙事诗;性伙伴
  • 网络解释.奠定;打下;躺;捻
    过去式:laid   过去式:laid   过去式:laying   过去式:lays  
  • lay about 1 . 向四面八方打击 lay aside 2 . 放弃;抛弃 lay away 3 . 储蓄:为将来储备;贮存 lay by 4 . 储备:储存供将来之用 lay down 5 . 放弃并投降 lay for 【非正式用语】 6 . 等待进行攻击 lay in 7 . 储备:储存以备将来之用 lay into 【俚语】 8 . 严厉批评 lay off 9 . 暂时解雇员工:停止雇用(工人),尤指暂时性的 lay on 10 . 带有:将某物抹在或好象涂在一平整表面上 lay out 11 . 设计:为…制定详细计划 lay over 12 . 落脚:在旅行过程中停留 lay to 【航海】 13 . 使(船)在公海上停留 lay up 14 . 储备:为将来之用而储存 in lay 15 . (母鸡)定期下蛋的,产卵期中的 lay something at someone's doorlay something bare 16 . 曝光,揭露 lay a charge 17 . 指控,控告 lay claim to something 18 . 提出所有权要求 lay eyes on1. four men laid claim to the leadership.有四人争夺领导权。lay a (或the) ghost 19 . 驱除悲伤(或恐惧,忧虑等)状态;去除阴影 lay hands on 20 . 找到,抓到 lay(或put)one's hands on 21 . 找到,得到 lay hold of (或on) 22 . 抓住 lay it on the line1. he was afraid she might vanish if he did not lay hold of her.他担心如果不抓住她,她可能会消失。lay someone low 23 . (疾病)使躺倒 lay something on the tablelay something on thick (或with a trowel) 24 . (非正式)夸张,夸大 lay someone open to 25 . 使暴露在危险下 lay oneself out to do something 26 . (主英)特意做 lay siege to1. she's laying herself out to be pleasant.她特意取悦于人。lay store by1. she's laying herself out to be pleasant.她特意取悦于人。lay someone/thing to rest 27 . 掩埋人(或物) lay something (to) wastelay something aside 28 . 放在一边 lay something down 29 . 放下 lay something in/up 30 . 贮存(某物)以备需要 lay into 31 . (非正式)袭击,口头攻击 lay someone off 32 . 解雇,使下岗 lay something off 33 . (主英足)传球 lay something on 34 . (主英)提供服务(或设施) lay someone out 35 . (为死者)装殓 lay something out 36 . (尤指为检查)摊开 lay someone up 37 . (疾病,受伤)使躺倒 lay something up 38 . 停开(船等) 习惯用语 lay down the law 1 . 发号施令:肯定且通常是傲慢地宣称 lay it on thick【非正式用语】 2 . 夸张;夸大的叙述 lay of the land 3 . 某物的性质、排列或布置 lay rubber【俚语】 4 . 留下橡胶:将机动车从静止状态猛然提升到很高的速度时,车轮旋转,后胎或轮胎便会在路上留下一薄层烧尽的橡胶 lay waste 5 . 劫掠


1 . On Sunday Cohen lay around the house all day.


2 . Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.


3 . Bob slid from his chair and lay prone on the floor.


4 . Sailing boats lay at anchor in the narrow waterway.
