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英[laɪf] 美[laɪf]
  • n.生活,生计;生命,性命;一生,寿命;人生,尘世
  • 网络解释.生活;生命;生命的;生命中
  • bring (或 come) to life 1 . 复苏,使死而复生 do anything for a quiet life 2 . 尽力不被打扰 for dear (或 one's) life 3 . 逃命似地,拼命地 for the life of me 4 . (非正式)无论如何,即使要我的命 frighten the life out of 5 . 吓掉…的魂 get a life 6 . (非正式)开始过更为充实和有意思的生活,开始新生活 give one's life for 7 . 为…而献身 as large as life 8 . (非正式)[用于强调某人的确在场]确确实实 larger than life 9 . (人)(因外表时髦或行为举止大胆而)引人注目的,(行为、服饰等)与众不同的 life and limbthe life and soul of the party 10 . 社交活跃分子 life in the fast lane 11 . (非正式)快节奏的生活(尤指带来财富和成功的激情生活) one's life's work 12 . (尤指学术研究或文艺创作)毕生之作;终生事业 lose one's life 13 . 丧生 a matter of life and death 14 . 生死攸关的事 not on your life 15 . (非正式)[用于强调拒绝] 绝不可能,休想 save someone's (或 one's own) life 16 . 救别人(或自己)一命 see life 17 . 见世面,长见识 take one's life in one's hands 18 . 冒生命危险 take someone's (或 one's own) life 19 . 杀人;自杀 that's life 20 . [表示接受无论多么困难的情况]这就是生活,生活本来就是如此 this is the life 21 . [表示对现状心满意足]这才叫生活 to the life 22 . 惟妙惟肖的,活脱脱的 to save one's life 23 . 无论如何都不愿意,死也不肯 习惯用语 as big as life 1 . 与实物一般大小 bring to life 2 . 使恢复知觉 come to life 3 . 变得活跃;变得兴奋 for dear life 4 . 拼命地,绝望地 for life 5 . 终生:直到生命终结 for the life of (one) 6 . 无论如何 not on your life【非正式用语】 7 . 绝对不;无论如何也不 take (one's) life 8 . 自杀 take (someone's) life 9 . 谋杀 the good life 10 . 富裕、奢侈的生活方式 the life of Riley【非正式用语】 11 . 轻松舒适的生活 the life of the party【非正式用语】 12 . 聚会的灵魂人物:在社交场合是人们注意的焦点的活跃的、有趣的人 to save (one's) life 13 . 无论如何:不论某人多么努力 true to life 14 . 栩栩如生的

  • n.1.生命;生存释义下的同义词
  • being existence


1 . No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there's always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises.

来自金山词霸 每日一句

2 . If you love life, life will love you back.

来自金山词霸 每日一句

3 . When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.


4 . The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life .

来自金山词霸 每日一句