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    2024年5月大学生英语能力竞赛工作总结[ 8号文库 ]

    8号文库 时间:2024-10-13 15:45:03 热度:0℃

    作者:文/会员上传 下载docx





















    Topic: Natural Disasters


    Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated in about 300 words.Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness.A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard(e.g.flood, drought, tornado, volcano eruption, earthquake, typhoon, tsunami, or landslide)that affects the environment, and brings financial, environmental and human losses.We can see many natural disasters occurring at home and abroad recently, huge damage have been made either to the environment or to our human lives.Those natural disasters urge us to reconsider our beliefs and behavior toward our mother nature when we seek for clothes, food, and sheltering etc.Therefore, what is your attitude toward the natural disasters? What shall we do to prevent us from being simply destroyed? What kind of role did we play in the creation of those dreadful disasters? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.正文:Requite Disaster With Cherish

    There is no doubt that the natural disaster has became an enemy towards to the people all over the world.But before we complain about these sufferings,why not ponder deeply over the matters we have done to our mother earth?And that’s my opinion:people should decrease the terrible pollution of hurting the earth.The most influenced instance was the earthquake that inflicted severe damage on the Wen Chuan in 2024.It is true that we witnessed the unite of Chinese people, and also prayed forthe saved lifes.But think it deeply:To these force majeure,can we predict it before it happened? Although we can't stop it,but we can make people be aware of it earlybefore to save more lifes.I can give a method to the goverment to establish a research group to make a more accurated prediction so that people would have time to take a more effective saving measure.Generally speaking,we have no way to prevent the disaster caused by the act of the god.Though:we could face the man-made natural disasters using our knowledge.That is to stop it from the resource.An example show that:The Globe Warming comes from the increasing density of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.What make it arise?That's what human have made

    during the recent century:Industrial pollution,fell trees,and so on.These are some horrible actions,which made the nature unsightly ,eventually destroy ourselves.Human always make an important role as the god of the biosphere.And what we choosed to be,that it will be the world.We ought to thank the earth for giving us life,freedom and belief.It has granted us so much.And how could we requite kindness with enmity?“ Nature is kind of a loving mother, but also a butcher in cold blood.”Victor Hugo said.Remember it.And try our best to prevent the nature from being hurt,which is the only way to repay the existing life in the world.That no disaster would destroy our lovely biosphere,peaceful and freedom forever.


















    一. 本次竞赛的出题人由我来担任,试卷的内容分成听力,语法及词汇,阅读理解,翻译和写作五大部分。试题的难易程度比较适中,梯度由易到难,既考查了参赛选手们对基础知识掌握的是否牢固,又选拔出几名英语语言能力较强的优秀的学生。考查的内容比较广泛,不仅涵盖了初高中语法及词汇的重要知识点,比如说词组的搭配问题,像pick up,put up,get up,bring up这四个常见但又易混的词组,学生们在具体的语境里能否正确区分开。而且还涉及一些学生们进入大学以来在英语课堂上所学到的新知识,比如说倍数(twice as large as….)表达法是我们在上一个单元刚学过的一个句型,在本次试卷里以翻译的形式出现想考查一下学生们能否熟练把汉语转译成地道的英语,再比如说作文的题目比较贴近学生们的生活,让学生们描述一下对中秋节的理解以及今年的中秋节他们是怎样度过的,这样就可以把他们的真实生活用英语表达出来,使他们意识到英语不但是一种重要的语言,而且跟真实的生活也是息息相关的。竞赛的成绩也的确测出了高分能力强的学生。(08英语教育班的李耀东133分最高分)

    二. 本次竞赛参加监考的人员由我以及胡佳月,沈乐,崔宏伟,杨伟迪共五名我们英


    三. 通过本次竞赛,赛出了学生们的真实成绩,考查出了学生们的英语能力水平,选








    交通规则), we will be dangerous.最后结果).减速)a little.4.I can’t(另外),I have no time.更少的人死亡).B)请用括号内所给词的适当形式填空

    6.We all couldn’t help ________(laugh)after we heard the funny story.10.He was so tired that he fell _________(sleep)at this desk.二、单项选择(每小题2分,共30分)

    ()11.I wanted some more coffee but there was _______ left.A.anyB.noneC.no oneD.some

    ()12.—Peter, don’t play that kind of joke any more!—Sorry!I ________ do it again.A.won’tB.can’tC.mustn’tD.wouldn’t()13.There is ________ in the bus.Please wait for the next one.A.a little spaceB.few roomsC.a few roomD.little space

    ()14.Miss White _______50,000 yuanbuilding the Hope School after visiting that village.A.tookB.paidC.costD.spent()15.– What shall we do if it ________ tomorrow?

    --We can make a snowman.A.snowB.snowsC.will snowD.snowed

    ()16.—Shall we go hiking tomorrow?—________.The radio says it will rain.A.sureB.That’s a good ideaC.I’m afraid we can’tD.All right()17.—I’m going to the Fairy Mountain tomorrow.—________.A.Have a good tripB.It’s my pleasureC.No wayD.It’s hard to say()18.— How was your weekend?— Great!We ________ a picnic by the lake.A.haveB.are havingC.hadD.will have

    ()19._____ important for us to be careful when we ride our bicycles in the street.A.We areB.ItC.That isD.It is

    ()20.There are______ of students in our school but only ______ of them are girls.A.hundred;two hundredB.hundred;two hundredsC.hundreds;two hundredsD.hundreds;two hundred()21.It is over ________ from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.A.three hours’ driveB.three hour’s driverC.three hours’ drivesD.three hours drive()22.— Could you come back at five?

    —________.I have something important to do at school at half past four.A.I could notB.Yes, I hope toC.I’m afraid notD.I’m afraid so()23.—It’s 9 o’clock now.I must go.— It’s raining outside.Don’t leave ________it stops.A.whenB.sinceC.whileD.until()24.Spring is the best time ________ there.A.visitingB.visitC.visitsD.to visit()25.We all got________ at the________ news.A.excited;excitedB.exciting;excitedC.exciting;excitingD.excited;exciting


    him, ―Remember this.―Willcouldn’t find it.He was worried, ― I can’t find―I think you bought a ticket.All right.You don’tone, saidthe conductor.Butthe old man still looked worried and said, ―You don’t know why.If I can’tfind my ticket, I don’t26.A.sayB.saysC.talkD.talked27.A.toB.onC./D.for28.A.careB.carefulC.wellD.good29.A.takeB.andC.withD.for30.A.agoB.afterC.longD.later31.A.seeB.look atC.giveD.show32.A.foundB.lookedC.looked forD.looked at33.A.beforeB.agoC.afterD.later34.A.othersB.the otherC.another D.the another

    35.A.WhatB.WhenC.WhyD.Where.四、阅读理解 A(每题2分)

    A lady wrote a long novel.She sent it to a famous editor.After a few weeks the novelwas returned to her.The lady was angry.She wrote back to the editor.―Dear sir,yesterdayyou sent back a novel of mine.How do you know that the novel isnot good? You didn’t read it.Before I sent you the novel, I posted together pages 18, 19 and 20.This was a test to see

    whether you would read the novel.When the novel came back yesterday, the pages were still posted together.Is this the way you read all the stories that are sent to you?The editor wrote back: ―Dear madam,at breakfast when I have an egg, I don’ t have to eat the whole egg in order to discover(发现)that it is bad.()36.The title that can explain the story best is __________.A.A Letter ReturnedB.A Novel Given BackC.Testing Whether Reading or NotD.Reading While Eating()37.The novel was sent back to its writer because__________.A.some pages of it were posted togetherB.the editor checked the novel in a hurryC.the editor thought it was not goodD.the novel wasn’ t written by the writer herself()38.Which of the following sentences is true?

    A.The editor read the whole novel carefully.B.There are twenty pages in the novel.C.Both the editor and the lady were clever.D.The editor was pleased with her nove.()39.The lady posted three pages together so as to find_____________.A.whether the novel was read throughB.whether the novel was openedC.whether the novel was stolenD.whether the novel was broken()40.From the story we know that ________.A.the editor likes the novel very muchB.the editor has a good way to read novelsC.the editor has a good way to eat an eggD.the editor doesn’t like the novel at allB(每题3分)

    After supper Mr.Jackson turned on the television.He tried to find a football game on it. Atthat time the telephone rang and he went to answer it.―Hello,he said,―7462135 It's Betty speaking said a woman.―Henry is ill.And I have totake him to hospital.But Lucy is

    too young.―Don't worry.I'll go and look after her.But where's your husband Jam―He's gone toLondon.He'll be back at two tomorrow morning.Mrs.Jackson was on dutyin the hospital that

    night and Mr.Jackson had to go to help his sister.Lucy was only four.She began to cry when her mother left,Mr.Jackson told her some storiestaught her a song and showed her some nice

    pictures.He didn't stop until the little girl went to sleep.Mr.Jackson went home after James cameback.He was asleep soon after he went to bed.His wife came into the bedroom and it woke him

    up.He had a look at the clock on the wall and found it was half past eight.He jumped off the bedand ran to the garage(车库)with his bag.His wife tried to say something but he calledback,―I was never late for work, you know. But I'm latethis morning.―No,you aren't,said Mrs.Jackson.―It's Saturday. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    41.On what day did Betty call Mr.Jackson?

    42.Why did Betty ask for Mr.Jackson's help?

    .What did Mr.Jackson do to make Lucy stop crying?

    44.Why did Mr.Jackson run to the garage when he woke up?

    45.How many people have been mentioned(被提到)in this passage ?



